Sunday, May 16, 2010

At the end of the day…

When the sun has set, and another day is over, it’s time for bed. Aidan’s favourite part of the day is bath time, with the bubbles, toys and it’s unfailing ability to appease even the most atrocious mood.



There is nothing quite as beautiful as a shiny, clean baby in fresh pyjamas. After his bath, even if he is tired beyond the point of exhaustion, there is always time for a book, a drink, and most importantly a cuddle. His slumbersome expression is by far the most adorable.




Pure bliss.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

My first mother’s day was lovely. It started with a 6:45am wake up call and Aidan and I were off into the city for the Mother’s day Classic fundraiser. We walked 7.2km amongst 8,000 other participants. It was such a beautiful morning and felt wonderful raising money for such a good cause.

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Next we headed to mum and dad’s for a roast lunch which was amazing. Nothing like a home cooked meal by your mum. We then went to my grandma’s for afternoon tea and all sat around drinking tea and eating cake whilst we watched Aidan play. Such a relaxed afternoon, and loved spending time with my wonderful family.

It was a bit disappointing that Aaron couldn’t be here to spend the day with us but he was very organised and left a present and card for me (from Aidan of course) behind before he left. He got me a Nespresso machine so it will be great to get some decent coffee at home!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Playing in the garden

Aidan loves being outdoors, we are just lucky we have a big backyard with lots of grass for him to play and explore. He loves to chase the cat too, which I am sure is affection only shared by Aidan, the cat seems to bolt at the very sight of him.

Aidan's Baptism

Sorry it's taken me so long to make this post, Our internet has been down and has only been restored today (happy dance!)

Aidan's baptism was on the 25th of April, Anzac Day. It was raining in the morning and we were a bit worried but the skies opened to give us a lovely sunny day. Aidan of course was oblivious to all that was going on around him and was his usual happy self. The morning was spent rushing around doing last minute cleaning, cooking, setting up and putting the finishing touches on the cake.
The gown Aidan wore was the same worn by myself, my brother and my cousin. It's a family tradition now, and hope it gets continued in the future for many years to come. It's a beautiful gown. Unfortunately the matching shoes that came with it were way too small so he went barefoot!Getting ready (note cheeky smile) a few minutes before we left the house.

As usual, taste testing his clothes. What a pretty girl he would have made!

Having a quick cuddle with Grandpa before the ceremony

The preist pouring holy water over Aidan's head. All he wanted to do was dive in the font!

Fun times with Godmother Alex!

The cake. This took me a while to make! 1 failed attempt at the baking process didn't stop me from whipping this baby up! It has definitely sparked an interest in cake decorating, I'm even starting a course in 4 weeks to learn more. It tasted yummy and everyone loved it!

Aidan managed on one nap, and this was him around 6:30pm, after being awake for 8 hours! Note: 5 mins after this was taken, he fell asleep in his highchair eating his dinner.

Overall it was a lovely day spent with our family and friends. I'm now planning his 1st birthday which is in 3 weeks. I can't believe my baby is going to be One!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Do you think...

He could get any closer to the TV? I know it's a terribly fascinating thing, but remember what your mother said (in this case, me) that sitting too close to the TV will give you square eyes!

Busted! He is seriously a very cute (and very cheeky) little boy. I love him!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


This year was Aidan's first Easter and we celebrated with lunch at our place with our family. He is still to young to have chocolate or to understand what it's all about but he had a great time being the centre of attention and getting lots of cuddles from grand parents and great grandparents.

The elusive giant Easter Egg, and Aidan's stunned face!

Spending time with family is really enjoyable for us. It makes me realise how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family around me. It's so lovely to see Aaron in his new role as a Father too, he does it so well.

Next event is Aidan's baptism in 2 weeks. I've taken on the task of making the cake which is a bit nerve racking but I have a "Plan B" if needed!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Autumn has arrived

Ok, so I've made a pledge with myself to update my blog more frequently now, hopefully at least twice a month. I've been reading other blogs and love the idea of documenting this precious time with my family, especially while Aidan is still a baby. I already feel overwhelmed with how fast the time is going, so I'd really like to document it along the way.

Aidan is ten months old on Saturday. I am really struggling with the idea that he will soon be a toddler and no longer a baby. We are planning his baptism and 1st Birthday (by we, I mean "I") so it's a busy time in our household. His baptism is on Anzac day with afternoon tea at our place afterwards.

Here are some pictures of Aidan (excuse the poor quality, they were taken with my iPhone).

In his highchair

On his smart trike for the first time